Development Projects since 2011

.Net / C#

– Cost Reporting (2011)

  • Tech: ASP.Net 4.0, DataSet, Entity Framework, MS-SQL, n-tier Architecture
  • Context: Group assignment for the subject, .Net Enterprise Development.
  • Learn
    • Two ways of connecting DB, which are DataSet and Entity Framework using LINQ.
    • General use of ASP.Net including Gridview.

– XNA game; ‘tank war‘ (2011)

  • Tech: XNA 4.0, Physics engine from scratch, Artificial Intelligence Applied.
  • Context: Group assignment for the subject, Game Programming.
  • Learn
    1. Better use of inheritance based on structured class architecture
    2. Programming that matters performance cause one game cycle is 1/60 sec.

– Financial Market Watcher (2011)

  • Tech: ASP.Net 4.0, Entity Framework, financial data handling.
  • Context: Individual assignment for the subject, Building Intelligent Agent.
  • Learn
    1. Data format manipulation between various types
    2. Get to be more clear about using List, Constructor with property, Static, Enum etc.

ALIV admin site (2011 ~ present)

  • Tech
    1. .Net 3.5, Stored procedure, n-tier Structure.
    2. Utilising SMS API of to send SMS from the site.
  • Context: volunteer work for Australian League of Immigration Volunteers
  • Learn
    1. Use of Stored Procedure in MS-SQL 2005/2008
    2. Used 3-tier DB connect without DataSet/Entity and it’s still straightforward and works fine.

ChameleonGroup Marketing Solution (2012 ~ present)

  • Tech
    1. Tech used are ASP.Net4.0, LINQ, NHibernate(ORM), JSON, XML, Web Service
  • Context
    1. On/Off-line Marketing Solution specialised in automatic edit/merge/print
  • What’s done
    • Upgrade & maintenance marketing web application using C#
    1. Implement BtoC / BtoB shopping cart including Invoice, Purchase order, Ratecard
    2. Implement Print / Email / Mini-site campaign dashboard
    3. Implement Email marketing statistics (Amazon SES)
    4. Integrate Payment Gateways: Paypal, SecurePay, EziDebit
    5. Integrate .Net web site with Joomla
    6. Other experiences: QR Code, EXIF, Mass-FTP



  • Joomla
    • MDAA website(2011)
      • Joomla1.6 implementation on Linux Web Hosting Server using c-Panel.
    • Cause U Effect (2012 ~ present)
      • Website renewal by Joomla1.5 to 1.7 template upgrade and customisation
      • Custom development for lottery system component of Joomla
      • VirtueMart 2.0 eCommerce solution integration to Joomla 1.7
  • Concrete5
  • WordPress


  • Online Shopping Cart (2011)

    • WebLogic10.3.3, MySQL
    • Java EE 6, MVC, ORM, EJB, Web-Service
    • Group assignment for the subject, Advanced Internet Programming.

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