Internet Programming is the subject that I studied in last semester at the University of Technology, Sydney. The content is relatively easy, so anyone who has no experience of web development may feel suitable for this subject.
But, someone who have some experience of web development may feel the subject is boring. Considering that the rumor that the 2 assignments of this subject never changed for the last decade, it might not interesting to run a skill which is 10 years old.
If the subject were focusing on HTML5 or at least XHTML 4 strict or focusing more on PHP which may lead to develop a skill enough to use handling open source CMS tools out there, it would have been more interesting, practical and useful.
Ironically, the subject note is well written and organised so don’t undervalue it. This subject don’t force to attend lecture or tutorial. Therefore, if you have a web experienced student, the subject must be a piece of cake. Only the final exam, which comprise 70% of total mark, can be a little challenging.
Finally, I attach my assignment 1 and 2 here, hoping to be referenced by new students who need some help. Frankly, I hope the uni change the assignments more practically.
Assignment 1 : Online shop using image map and PHP
Assignment 2 : Same as assignment 1 but using Java Applet instead of image map.
Hi I’m from UTS also currently doing the BIT course. I like your posts… interesting!
email me back.
Hi Dean
Nice to hear you’re interested in my post. I just wanted to share my experience for rookies at UTS.
Joe, do you by any chance have Internet Programming notes that you can please email me.
I would really appreciate it 🙂
thank you in advance!
Kind Regards,
thanks for you affort
unfortunately , i have found this website after i finished assignment 1 🙁
i have tried to run the assingnement 2 but didn’t work i don’t know…
could u please send it to my email
[email protected]
best regards
Hi, sorry for late reply.
I sent to you by email.
Hi, Joe
I like your poster.
I am an newee of UTS, and I just wondering the general content in the final exam of Internet Programming. Does the exam focus on the general concepts which are talked in the lecture notes, or give some coding and ask us to give the answer?
Thank you!
I guess the questions were more about general idea rather than coding style question.
Thank you!Thank you! 😀
Does that mean if I can memorize all the contents of the lecture notes, so I can get a good mark?
I guess so. 🙂 Good luck.
Thank you! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hi, Joe
Sorry for bothering you again. I found that my programming can run on all the browers of Unix System and Windows System, but cannot run on Mac OS!!:(:(:( I don’t konw what’s wrong with it. If you don’t mind, could you please send your project file of ass2 to my email?
[email protected]
Thank you! Thank you!
I sent an email to you. Check that out. Cheers.
Hi Joe
Both assignments of yours looks fantastic. I’m kinda stuck with the Applet part in ass2. Is it possible for you to send me the ass2 file so I can have a look? 🙂
My email is : [email protected]
Hi Steve,
Sorry not replying to you earlier. I don’t have an assignment anymore.
Hi, I am having trouble with the assignments. Do you mind sending your assignments to me for some guidance? Thanks.
Hi John,
Sorry for not replying to you in time. I don’t use java anymore since graduation, so I can’t help on this, unfortunately.
Hi Joe,
I tried viewing those link to the assignments that you had posted, but unfortunately they are not available. I would like to view your assignment if possible. Revert back as soon as possible.
Hi MK, Unfortunately, I don’t have the assignment anymore.