What product to choose as a startup or non-profits with limited resource? I found a great article from bestvendor.
In summary, dream package is a group of
- Google Apps (Email)
- QuickBooks (Accounting)
- Google Analytics (Web Analytics)
- SalesForce (CRM)
- Adobe CS5 (Website Design)
- DropBox (Storage/Backup/Virtualisation) *
- PayPal (Payment Processting)
In Productivity,
- BaseCamp (Project Management) / Trello *
- EverNote (Note Taking)
- Google Docs (Collaboration/Wiki) *
- Google Voice & Ring Central (Phone System)
In Development,
- Jira & BugZilla(Bug Tracking) *
- MySQL (Database)
- Eclipse & Visual Studio (IDE)
- Rails & .Net (Framework) *
- Textmate (Text Editor) *
- RSPEC & JUnit & Selenium (Testing Framework) *
- GIT & SVN (Version Control) *
In Web Operations,
- Amazon, Rack Space, Go Daddy (Web Hosting) *
- Magento, Self-Made, Shopify (eCommerce Platform)
To see more detail go to vestvendor.
ref : http://blog.bestvendor.com/2011/07/survey-results-the-startups-toolkit/
List up is easy, but getting the most out of tools is require a lot of effort. The elements which has * is the ones that can be meaningful for the personal productivity purpose as an web specialist. In other words, many of those are popular but only some use it efficiently and in detail.
- Good to research : BaseCamp, Jira & BugZilla, Rails, RSPEC & JNuit, GIT
- Good to utilise in detail : DropBox, Google Docs