The command pattern is useful to handle direction from args in command line app. For example, there was an ugly code as below, which I wrote a while ago. As I simplified the code to focus on if-else statement, it may look not that bad. But, I was struggling with managing the mapping each method… Continue reading Design Pattern – Command
Author: rocker8942
SQL Intellisense – You must use
I know some developers are good enough to code without intellisense. But I’m not as I started coding with Visual Studio so I live with intellisense from day one. Intellisense is like an iPhone to everyday people living in 21 century. I was pretty happy with the intellisense and other intelligent support from Visual Studio… Continue reading SQL Intellisense – You must use
SQL query performance tuning
Tuning quick tips Getting the entire record before apply condition. -> Solution: Apply condition and paging before select. Using sub-query -> Solution: Turn it into join Using Table Variable being used with large data -> Solution: use Temp Table When a query performs badly, 3 things above are the most common causes I came across.… Continue reading SQL query performance tuning
SQL – Best way to get Total Count with pagination
Paginated query to SQL server is a very common logic that might be used literally everywhere. After googling a bit, the code below seems to be the best practice in 2020. The key point here is using Count(*) Over which allows getting list and total count at a single query. Select *, Count(*) Over ()… Continue reading SQL – Best way to get Total Count with pagination
C# Performance Improvement Experience
I have a personal code originally wriiten in 10 years ago when I was starting coding in University. The code is basically stock price analysis tool. Recently I started to look at it again and found a few tips to improve the performance calculation and DB access heavy code. Actually, this shouldn’t be DB access… Continue reading C# Performance Improvement Experience