Speculative bubble in Japan

What is speculative bubble?“A (speculative) bubble is a continuing growth in the price of an asset that cannot be justified by its fundamental value” (Hoshi and Kashyap, 2001) usually upon expectation of the rise of the asset priceA speculative bubble ended with collapse of the asset price, such as stock and/or real estate. Then agencies… Continue reading Speculative bubble in Japan

Fiscal rules adopted by the UK government

The objectives of fiscal policyOver the medium term, to ensure sound public finances and that spending and taxation impact fairly within and between generations: andOver the short term, to support monetary and, in particular, to allow the automatic stabilizers to help smooth the path of the economy. (HM Treasry, 2003)The ultimate objectives of fiscal rules… Continue reading Fiscal rules adopted by the UK government

Examine the view that cost of capital is the most important influence on the level of investment

To see why the cost of capital is considered to be a significant influence on firms’ investment, we can consider first the capital budgeting decision of firms It would have been beneficial to note why investment and therefore understanding the determinants of investment is important –for example investment is a key element for economic growth,… Continue reading Examine the view that cost of capital is the most important influence on the level of investment