discuss the significance of varying cash dividend payments for large firms quoted on stock markets

Empirically companies payout dividends with high ratio, and they spend much time and energy on deciding how much to pay out as dividends to maximize firm’s value.According to Gordon(1959)’s dividend discount model, firm’s value goes positively with the change of dividend payout, because capital gains are more risky than dividends.(1)But in 1961, Modigliani and Miller… Continue reading discuss the significance of varying cash dividend payments for large firms quoted on stock markets

Capital Asset Pricing Model(CAPM)

The core idea of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is that on the assumption of homogeneous expectation on financial markets, a security’s return is related linearly with beta, which is sensitivity of the capital asset to market return of equilibrium.The CAPM is developed by Sharpe W F., Lintner J., Mossin J. respectively. Sharpe published… Continue reading Capital Asset Pricing Model(CAPM)

Discuss why corporate bonds with the same maturity may offer different returns

The main reason why the rate of corporate bonds with the same maturity is different is default risk. The difference between safe bond (government bond) and risky bond is called default premium.Well known institutions like Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch show us a classification scheme how much risky the bond is, depending on a… Continue reading Discuss why corporate bonds with the same maturity may offer different returns