Unit Test Getting Started

Which is the best one? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/393184/which-unit-test-framework-and-how-to-get-started-for-asp-net-mvc Many recommend xUnit, but NUnit and MSTest is easy to start. So, I’ll start with NUnit, cause MSTest doesn’t support WVD 2010 express. How to setup NUnit at VWM 2010 express Or Visual Studio C# express http://www.dijksterhuis.org/setting-up-nunit-for-c-unit-testing-with-visual-studio-c-express-2008/ BTW, Good news, WVD 2011 beta has MS unit test out of… Continue reading Unit Test Getting Started

ASP.net : How to Publish

How to publish ASP.Net application to GoDaddy windows web hosing server? There is step by a step guide at the blog of Kenan Bek How to publish SQL DB In case of GoDaddy http://www.salmontraining.com/SqlExpressZone/articles/publish_sql_server_godaddy_shared_hosting.html In general deployment http://www.asp.net/web-forms/tutorials/deployment/deploying-a-database-cs http://kingdango.com/blog/2011/12/a-simple-solution-for-deploying-code-first-model/