SQL Server remote access

To make Sql Server to be accessed remotely, check the belows. 1. Use correct server name. The server name is machine name + instance name. e.g. My-PC\SQLExpress The server name shouldn’t start with ‘\\’ 2. Tick Allow remote connection to this server from the tab Connection of Server Property from SQL Server Management Studio. 3. Enable TCP/IP… Continue reading SQL Server remote access

Useful command of MSSQL Query when comparing and manipulating text data

Extract table from another table SELECT * FROM dbo.SFG_Event_21_22 except SELECT * FROM dbo.SFG_Event_21 Bulk insert BULK insert dbo.SFG_Event_21_22 from ‘C:\Users\joemac\Desktop\final.csv’ WITH ( firstrow = 1, fieldterminator = ‘,’, rowterminator = ‘0x0a’ ); GO bulk insert cannot understand text qualifier bulk insert add NULL for blank data by default Replace string value of a column… Continue reading Useful command of MSSQL Query when comparing and manipulating text data

Categorised as DB

Bulk data import to MSSQL

I was about to upload 2 million record of data using NHibernate’s default save method, which will transact every record independently. It estimated almost 2 days to upload all data. In this mass data upload, bulk import utility, bcp is pretty useful. It takes 10 minutes for 2 million record to import. Related well written article. http://lostechies.com/jimmybogard/2010/06/24/bulk-processing-with-nhibernate/ And… Continue reading Bulk data import to MSSQL

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Entity Framework vs NHibernate

NHibernate vs EntityFramework – Experience From the Real World This is a really great article, unbiased well developed review between EF4 & NHibernate. NHibernate and Entity Framework essentials using a Model First approach This is brief sample of implementation with comparison BTW, the conclusion is If no special reason, stick to ADO.Net with DataSet If use… Continue reading Entity Framework vs NHibernate