what constitutes the ‘global culture’ including the role of the global media

The UN, in Chapter 11 ‘Young People in a Globalising World’ of the World Youth Report 2003, explains what constitutes the ‘global culture’ including the role of the global media, and argues that the impact of global culture is negative on young people. The UN states that the wide spread of global culture is accompanied with the spread of capitalism or consumerism, which means that global culture cannot be thought without considering its inextricable relationship with economics. It states that global media try to create uniform global culture for the market expansion of Multinational Companies, which not only sell the product but also transfer Western, American-centric consumerism through the audio-video media, which has stronger influences, especially on young people, than traditional culture.The UN also explains that young people, mainly targeted by global media, interact with global culture and local culture, and the youth can create identity by themselves with the global consumer culture. According to the UN, uniform global culture brings the issue of homogenization of culture, but young people’s experiences of global culture vary based on the accessibility to resources, wealth and opportunities, meaning not every youth can be satisfied with global consumer culture because the poor, uneducated, or rural young people cannot afford to consume the product constructed by global media. In this regard, global culture not only universalizes young people but also divides them, which is ‘paradoxical’ feature of global culture.- first assignment for DEEP1 in Insearch UTS

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