Payment Gateways used in Australia


– Various ways of integration solutions
– Transfer transaction data through Session.
– Most preferred way for SME and NPOs.
– Developer’s page and it’s explanation contents are a little unorganised, so it’s a bit hard to grasp a whole picture of services for new comers.
– Developer Resource:, Sandbox


– Build: Ralatively strait forward
– Use the key-value pair XML as a format to transfer the transaction data
– Get the credit card info at the eCommerce site directly and transfer it to eWay, which might be a risky way in terms that eCommerce site should take the responsibility of getting and transferring user’s sensitive information like credit card number.
– Developer Resource: eWay developer 


– Easy to integrate using iFrame
– Transfer the transaction data by Get/Post using SHA1 encryption.
– Financial info will be collected by SecurePay’s page in iframe, which is reduce the burden of eCommerce site manager to handle sensitive information.
– Tip: Test API id/pass is only given to a registered user. Id/pass in developer’s manual will not work. Making fingerprint using SHA1 can be a little tricky.
– Developer Resource: developer guide


– Easy to integrate using iFrame. The easiest among mentioned in this page.
– Use Get method to transfer transaction data
– When it’s used in iframe, the way is similar with SecurePay
– Developer Resource: No details on home page. Developers may need to enquire a question.

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