Html for E-mail: Rendering Issues and best practice

Web page rendering is still painful sometimes. But, e-mail rendering is pretty much pain in the ass. Main reason for this is that email client is various and not standardized, compared that web browsers are quite much standardized.

In particular, outlook on PC and outlook on cloud need a lot of care, as old IEs are main foes for front end web developers.

A few guide for html writing for email are as follows:

– use table for layout (as we did in 10 years ago for web page)

– use inline style rather than using separate css tag or file.

– make it work for Outlook as last

Reference the email client market share from litmus.

However, professionals like Elliot Ross at Action Rocket wrote a great column called Build responsive emails, which smartly utilizing CSS considering mobile and web email client environment. Strongly recommendable for email creator.

By the way, responsive emails are great but there are lots to consider to be perfectly fit to every clients, which is highly dependent on developer’s skill set and high cost(time and energy to be consumed by a developer/designer).

That said, responsive emails are clearly a high-end & high-quality emails, but should be adopted according to the ability to handle the cost.

Still, worth to try. 🙂

Wow, there were lots of great thing called HTML email template which work as responsive on major email clients.

Great, it’s pretty enough to create responsive email from now on.


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