Testimonials of 1 year of working out with Nike Training Club

In January 2020, I started working at home with a goal similar to this year’s goal. I worked from home from March to December due to Covid, so I think I started off well by making up for the lack of exercise at home.

When I did the annual statement, it was as follows.

January 13 273 minute(
s) February 16 736 minutesMarch
7 300 minutesApril
10 440 minutesMay
21 747 minutesJune
16 485 minutes
July 20 624 minutesAugust
4 133 minute
(September 9) 386 minutesOctober
18 813 minutesNovember
11 555 minutes
December 9 390 minutes

I was aiming for about 5 times a week, so I think I did well with about 20 times a month. In between, if I used my body a lot with other things or had a hard time, I skipped home training.

My workouts plummeted in March, August/September, and December, because I took a break from exercising when I got sick a few times in between.

Best Workout Recommendations

The 10 Workout programs below are favorites from over a hundred Nike training programs, and you can choose one of them based on your condition of the day.

The programs selected below should be 1) 45 minutes long, except for short workouts of less than 30 minutes because they don’t seem to have much effect. 2) The program is well balanced, and some programs focus on specific parts of the body, but it doesn’t feel like it’s suitable for beginners. Other programs were not balanced between exercise and rest, or they were certain parts of the body. There are some things that I don’t understand so much that I don’t think Nike did a good job of supervising them.

The exercise program is basically divided into Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced, but beginners and intermediate are good because there are many bare-knuckle exercise programs that don’t require any tools. It’s always easy to get started at home with a simple outfit and a yoga mat. Without the hassle of changing clothes, driving to the gym, going out to the living room, turning on the Nike Training Club on your iPhone, and starting your workout right away. This is a tremendous strength. However, exercising at a fixed time every day will help you exercise every day without skipping it. I work out every evening at 8 p.m., and I keep doing it all the time, so my body itches at this time. Momentum has been built.

When I actually tried it, I didn’t notice much difference between Intermediate and Advanced in terms of strength. Both are equally tight. Of course, this may be the case because some of the advanced courses are self-modified if they are suggesting an intensity that I can’t do. In addition, there are movements that can only be done with equipment such as pull-ups in full equipment, but since the only thing at home is dumbbells, the movements that cannot be done without equipment are replaced with movements that are as similar as possible without tools, so it is not possible to perform the exercises as intended.

When I wasn’t feeling well or took a break for a while and then went back to it, Start Training was good. From warm-up exercises to basic physical exercises, cardio exercises, and cool-down exercises, the balance is very good, and the whole body is used evenly. I also like the composition that is not too excessive.

It’s similar, but if you don’t have enough time, we recommend the 30-minute course Go, Rest, and Repeat. After all, the movements are well balanced and the difficulty level is similar to Start Training.

When I’m in good shape, I choose between Intermediate and Advanced, and the difference from Beginner is the intensity as well, but the warm-up part is short and quickly goes into intense movements. It seems that the assumption is that the body is trained to some extent by exercise.

As the name suggests, Peaks and Valleys has the advantage of being able to pick up your breath when you do the easy movements, because the hard and easy movements are repeatedly connected.

The Complete Crush. Perfect for when you want to work out hard.

Long, Steady Strength. A program that reminds me of the military. The more intense the program, the more the number of push-ups is more like “30 push-ups” than the time-based structure of “30 seconds of push-ups.” Sometimes, when I filled up this number, it was a 45-minute program, but when I finished the workout, it took me 1 hour and 20 minutes. This is the program to choose on days when you have enough time and want to exercise a lot.

Most of the other Advacned programs are strength types, so they focus on weight training, and there are few breathless movements, and you feel like your muscles are getting stronger after you’re done. If your goal isn’t to build your body, but to build your stamina, you don’t need to focus too much on weight training.

There are some movements that I can’t follow in the workout program, but I replaced them with ways to do them as much as I could, or modify them to more comfortable movements (e.g., jumping push-ups as just push-ups), and boldly omit the movements that are difficult to watch, or replace them with similar but not unreasonable movements.

For example, there is often a movement called Kneeling Quadriceps Strech, but I can’t do it because my knees hurt. In this case I just skipped.

I found out while doing a side plank, but I have pain in my right shoulder, and the right side plank is difficult to do for more than 25 seconds. It’s a joint problem, so I try not to overdo it.

There are quite a few jumping movements, but most of them omit the jump part. After all, it seems to be straining my knees. I am at an age where my knees hurt just by wearing shoes to work, so I decided to save my knees unconditionally.

Difficult movements can be done little by little if you do them consistently, but with the Side Plank Knee Dirves, perfect posture is still impossible. It’s still too hard for me.

When exercising with equipment at home, you will feel that there are some lacking equipment, and iron bars and 5~6kg dumbbells are especially regrettable. Dumbbells are easy to get, but iron rods are a burden due to their bulk and price.

Anyway, I’ve been training with Nike for a year quite steadily, but my weight hasn’t changed much (on the contrary, I’ve gained about 1~2 kg after working from home for 8 months thanks to Covid), and my waistline seems to be a little bit lower because of working from home. On the flip side, I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t worked from home and done home trading. The only improvements are that I feel like I have some muscle in my body and that I can do the program I did for the first time more easily. What’s the problem?

If you think about it simply, you might want to increase the amount of exercise, but I didn’t adjust my diet at all while exercising, and I ate snacks that are not beneficial to my health, and that may be the problem.

Starting next year, I’m going to aim to exercise every day if I can (but there will be days when I can’t), and I’ll try to keep my diet the way it is and change it to a healthy diet just a little bit.

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