To make Sql Server to be accessed remotely, check the belows. 1. Use correct server name. The server name is machine name + instance name. e.g. My-PC\SQLExpress The server name shouldn’t start with ‘\\’ 2. Tick Allow remote connection to this server from the tab Connection of Server Property from SQL Server Management Studio. 3. Enable TCP/IP… Continue reading SQL Server remote access
Author: rocker8942
DateTime time zone conversion in .Net / C#
Converting time zone sometimes can be tricky. If we understand a few basic facts around time zone and knows the how to use it, it turns out relatively easy. Basics of Time Zone There are 3 concepts to know clearly about time zones. UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) : Standard time zone. When it comes to the… Continue reading DateTime time zone conversion in .Net / C#
How to throttle a section in WCF
If a WCF service internally connected to a legacy system which does not support multi threading, the WCF needs to be throttled. The easiest way to achieve this is to make the WCF works sequentially by setting this up not to work concurrently. By default, a WCF configured to process in multiple instances and concurrency… Continue reading How to throttle a section in WCF
Encrytion using GPG – command line example for automation
This is the GPG command line example to be used inside of automation as C# console application. This encryption/decryption will only use the password. Encrypt Basic format gpg -o outputPath –cipher-algo AES256 –symmetric sourcePath Example to be used inside of automation echo letmeinPetbarn | gpg –batch –passphrase-fd 0 -o D:\Automations\Petbarn\EMListExtractAndFTP\DataOut\petbarn.csv.gpg –cipher-algo AES256 –symmetric D:\Automations\Petbarn\EMListExtractAndFTP\DataOut\petbarn.csv Decrypt… Continue reading Encrytion using GPG – command line example for automation
Useful command of MSSQL Query when comparing and manipulating text data
Extract table from another table SELECT * FROM dbo.SFG_Event_21_22 except SELECT * FROM dbo.SFG_Event_21 Bulk insert BULK insert dbo.SFG_Event_21_22 from ‘C:\Users\joemac\Desktop\final.csv’ WITH ( firstrow = 1, fieldterminator = ‘,’, rowterminator = ‘0x0a’ ); GO bulk insert cannot understand text qualifier bulk insert add NULL for blank data by default Replace string value of a column… Continue reading Useful command of MSSQL Query when comparing and manipulating text data