Agile is Dead by Dave Thomas in a page

Dave Thomas, the co-author of pragmatic programmer, said he doesn’t usually test unless it’s a complex algorithm. What it means that everyone has a different approach and should not force their way. Agile became an industry.  It became unnecessarily complex. The solution suggested is the below. Agility – What to do Find out where you… Continue reading Agile is Dead by Dave Thomas in a page

Cloud can be productive but is not cheap

For the new project to analyze Edgar document, which is where companies in the US announces their annual report, quarterly report, etc by law. Many investors consider this data as a valuable investment data resource. Challenge Volume: To analyze the Edgar document, the volume is the first challenge. The number of announcements in Edgar is… Continue reading Cloud can be productive but is not cheap

Azure Event service cheat sheet

Storage Queue: Queue. large and slow messages. e.g. dead-letter event. Service Bus: Transactional message. At-most-once delivery. Event Hub: IoT, log data, stream data Event Grid: Link events from the event source to the event handler (e.g. function). Pub/Sub. 1 to Many delivery.