Jenkins vs Teamcity

Quick and simple comparison between Jenkins and Teamcity based on personal use on both for a month. Jenkins Teamcity Price Free Free up to 20 build configuration Unlimited build license starts from $1,999 Configuration Data Internally managed XML file SQLServer Install Easy Easy, but need to set up with SQLServer. Build configuration Normal Normal, especially… Continue reading Jenkins vs Teamcity

Continuous Integration and deployment

At first, CI and CD looked just awesome and help my life easier. After apply Teamcity and Octopus for a few project locally as a testing, I started feeling that it’s a must for developer. As everyone uses source code repository like TFS and Git, Continuous Integration is a must. A final goal would be… Continue reading Continuous Integration and deployment

SQLite in .Net

After using SQLite for a while, a few conclusions that I had were SQLite is quite stable enough to be used in corporate environment. SQLite is faster than SQLCE. For a SQLite admin, use the Firefox addon – SQL Server Compact Toolbox will be useful: Both SQLite and SQLCE cannot be used in a… Continue reading SQLite in .Net

CSV Library to use

At first, I used custom built CSV helper class, which simply separates CSV formatted string with a comma and push the data into DataTable. However, this class didn’t handle double quotation qualifier well enough. So, I started searching for a CSV library. One reliable and mostly recommended CSV library was A Fast CSV Reader (aka LumenWorks.Framework.IO) by Sebastien Lorion,… Continue reading CSV Library to use